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BYOU partner with United Nations

Discover wellness services right from your phone, including virtual sessions, holistic healing, office hairstylists, massages,

and mental health support.


Book wellbeing BYOU app

Choose a service and book a session whenever it works for you. Quick and hassle-free!


Book wellbeing treatments BYOU app

Join your session from anywhere on your mobile device and experience easy self-care. Relax, recharge, and feel revitalized in your own space!


Book mental health BYOU app

How to book a session on the app?

Find the right professional for your needs.

beauty app for services at home and at office
BYOU health and wellbeing

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Get Started in Three Steps

What Our Clients
Say About Us

Exercising in my pajamas at home was a blast! Working out at home usually feels boring, but BYOU makes it so much more enjoyable and convenient!

San Francisco

BYOU made my self-care routine so easy!

I booked a reiki session right from my phone, and within minutes, I had a virtual session with a fantastic practitioner.

Just pure relaxation with a few taps!


Having access to wellness sessions directly on my mobile was a game-changer!

I scheduled a virtual therapy session during my lunch break, and it fit perfectly into my busy day. BYOU truly makes self-care effortless and accessible.


Explore our blogs

Learn more about holistic health, hormones, improving your mental health, and many more...

BYOU wellbeing's hub

Are you a wellbeing professional?

Grow your business with the all-in-one platform

for beauty, holistic, and

mental health professionals.

BYOU beauty

When you need us the most!

Follow us on Instagram or LinkedIn

Discover top-rated beauty services at your fingertips. From relaxing facials, massages to flawless makeup and hair treatments, our professionals help you look and feel your best.

We come to you!


Level up your life and organization with (executive) coaching for personal growth, leadership, and career success. Whether you need mindset transformation or guidance, find the coach to inspire and empower you.


Stay active and energized with fitness sessions tailored to your needs. From personal training to yoga and pilates, our sports experts are here to keep you moving.

Wherever you are.


Prioritize your wellbeing with holistic wellness services. Enjoy soothing massages, meditation, breathwork, and more to bring balance, relaxation, and peace into your daily life.


Our Services

The all in one app for
Beauty, Health & Mental wellbeing
services on demand

Book your session online or in- person

Anytime & Anywhere!

BYOU app wellbeing productivity performance
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