Jenny Pena
My name is Jenny Pena and I am a Certified Health Coach offering health and wellness coaching services and specializing in overall health and wellness including nutrition, sleep improvement, weight management, and diabetes management/prevention to name a few. My journey started as I had my own personal health struggles and decided to make the necessary changes to improve my health. My personal journey and while creating my wellness vision, mapping a plan and changing my own habits, I was able to not only reverse prediabetes but also find balance in all areas of my life. I am sleeping better, exercise and incorporate movement consistently, incorporate activities that bring joy and balance and was able to improve my overall health. Now that I have experienced the desire to feel better, the challenges that come with habit formation and change and the tools needed to make those changes sustainable, I discovered a new found joy in coaching and helping others live their best life while being happy and healthy.
Health Coach + Diabetes Prevention Program Lifestyle Coach
New York, New York
I understand how hard it can be to make positive habit changes and what it takes to give you the tools not only to initiate change but sustain it. While I provide group coaching sessions, I enjoy it best when I can support individuals in a 1:1 setting so that we can explore together your wellness vision, what are your strenghts and challenges and map out a plan to build small actionable practices and steps to reach those goals.
Addressing my clients with empathy and using my expertise in health, wellness, nutrition, active listening, motivational interviewing, behavioral change and goal setting, they are empowered to initiate change that is sustainable and supports their health and well-being. I provide guidance and support to my clients by helping them identify their health and wellness vision, co-create smart goals and measure progress towards their long term goals. Looking forward to helping you get closer to your health and wellness goals!
The services I provide
I help men and women reverse and prevent diabetes through lifestyle changes around nutrition (to have a balanced plate that helps balance blood sugar levels), exercise (to incorporate moderate exercise, strength training and balance as recommended by the CDC) and tools to manage stress and improve sleep while consistently keeping adequate levels of hydration
Why choose to work with me?