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How Personal Growth Can Help You As An Executive.

Picture this: You excel at work and receive many accolades. However, your personal life is struggling.

You cannot remember the last time you visited a friend, did something for the community, or felt proud of all your achievements. That sounds sad, right?

As an executive, there are times when you give your all to work but forget your personal development.

When you neglect your development, it may have an impact on the different strides you are trying to make on a professional level.

In this article, we were going to give you give you 5 different reasons why your personal growth should be as important as your professional growth.

1. Better decision making.

In your journey of personal growth, you get to learn so much about yourself. For example, you get to know the things you like and those that you do not.

When it comes to making decisions, you make them from a point where you trust your guidance. You do not hesitate since you trust yourself to see these decisions to the very end.

2. Enhanced communication.

When you are learning more about yourself, you get to get in tine with your authenticity. This helps you connect well with others.

At the workplace, one of the best skills you can have is great communication skills. It ensures that you are in a position to say the things you need to say effectively and you get to see impact.

3. Innovation.

In personal development, there is a lot of learning. You open your mind up to so many great things.

These skills are easily transferable when it comes to the workplace. You are in a position to think outside the box and bring great innovation at the workplace.

4. Better teamwork.

Through personal development, you get to learn of the different things you can do and those you need support in. With this, you are in a position to delegate the different tasks effectively.

All your team members are therefore in a position to work better and feel needed and useful in your organization. It therefore leads to such great teamwork with those you work with.

5 . Great balance between work and your personal life.

Striking a great work-life balance does not just happen by chance. You have to be intentional with how you work and even choose to spend your time.

As mentioned earlier, with personal development comes great self-awareness. You can easily know where and how to enhance your different boundaries.

With great boundaries, you will be in a position to strike a great balance between your work and your personal life. It means that you will not be working when you are supposed to rest and vice versa.

Meet Jihane Labib.

Jihane Labib is an executive and team coach. Janine has over 24 years of experience and she has worked with people of all backgrounds.

From CEOs, directors and leaders, she has provided them with the right guidance to excel. She not only focuses on your career but also your personal goals.

Ready to grow to lengths you never thought were possible for your personal and professional growth? Reach out to Jihane Labib and book a session with here 

Meet Jennifer Le Roux.

Jennifer is a Certified Martha Beck Wayfinder Coach who works with women who want to connect with their authenticity.

She has a degree in Industrial Psychology and has vast experience working as a Human Resource Manager for over 10 years.

Jennifer helps you become your best self and become who you truly are.

Ready to make great changes in your personal and professional life?

Reach out to Jennifer here and begin a journey of self discovery:


To conclude, your personal growth is essential when it comes to your professional growth as an executive. It becomes to get absorbed by work and forget to invest heavily in your professional growth.

When you invest in your personal growth, you also get to benefit heavily since it impacts your career as well. You can use the tips we have given above.

You can take that step further by booking a session with an executive coach and get even more skills that you can apply.


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